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Text Field

Stores a String in the model. Displayed as a text field in the Admin UI.

	{ type: Types.Text }


min Number - sets the minimum character length of the field

max Number - sets the maximum character length of the field

{ type: Types.Text, min: 10, max: 2000 }


crop(length, append, preserveWords)

Uses the cropString() method from keystone-utils to crop the value to the specified length.


Simply returns the stored string, or an empty string if the value is undefined.

This is the default implementation in Type.


Updates with the provided value if it is different from the stored value. All types will be coerced to the schema type by mongoose, so != is used to compare with existing values in the item before the new value is set. When null is passed, mongoose will remove the path from the stored document and the value will be undefined when the item is next retrieved.

This is the default implementation in Type.


Ensures the value, if provided, is a string.

Allows null to clear the field value.


Ensures a value has been provided. Empty strings are not valid.


Accepts a value, mode, and can be inverted. It can also be case sensitive.

    inverted: Boolean,
    caseSensitive: Boolean,
    mode: String enum ['contains', 'exactly', 'beginsWith', 'endsWith'],
    value: String,

An empty value will match items containing null or "" stored in the field path.

Inverting the filter finds all items not matching the value.

Default filter arguments are:

    inverted: false,
    caseSensitive: false,
    mode: 'contains',
    value: '',


  • contains (default)

    Items containing the provided value at the field’s path will be found using a regular expression.

  • exactly

    Items with exactly the provided value at the field’s path will be found.

  • beginsWith

    Items with the provided value at the start of the stored value at field’s path will be found using a regular expression.

  • endsWith

    Items with the provided value at the end of the stored value at field’s path will be found using a regular expression.