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Select Field

Stores a String or Number in the model. Displayed as a select field in the Admin UI. Does not allow for multiple items to be selected. If you want to provide multiple values, you can use TextArray or NumberArray, although neither will have the same constrained input. You can limit the options using a pre-save hook.

  { type: Types.Select, options: 'first, second, third' }

Note: Similar to Enum in other Frameworks.



Returns the label property of the selected option, or "".


The value null will always remove the value from the item. An empty string will remove the value from the item, unless there is an option with the value of "".


Ensures the value, if provided, is a valid option. If numeric, strings are coerced to number values first.

Allows null and "" to clear the field value.


Ensures a value has been provided. Empty strings are never valid, even if specified in the options array.



Boolean when true, causes the value of the field to be stored as a Number instead of a String

  { type: Types.Select, numeric: true, options: [{ value: 1, label: 'One' }, { value: 2, label: 'Two' }] }

emptyOption Boolean

when undefined || true, includes a blank value as the first option in the <select> field.

  { type: Types.Select, required: true, options: 'first, second', emptyOption: false }

options String or Array

the options for the select field.

Option values can be provided as a comma-delimited list String of values, in which the string is split into an Array.

For an Array of options, each option should be either:

  • String representing the value of the option; the label is automatically generated

  • Object with value and label String properties

You can mix String and Object items in the options Array:

  { type: Types.Select, options: ['first', 'second', { value: 'third', label: 'The third one' }] }

Object options can have additional properties which are accessible when the current options data, or fields options are retrieved.

{ type: Types.Select, options: [
  { value: 'first', label: 'The first option', custom: 'value' },
  { value: 'second', label: 'Second' }


ops Array the field options array

values Array all option.value properties

labels Object all option.label properties, keyed by option.value

map Object map of options, keyed by option.value


The value of the current option will be stored at {path}. In addition, these virtuals are provided:

pathLabel String - the label of the currently selected option

pathData Object - the currently selected option, including any custom properties

pathOptions Array - the field options array

pathOptionsMap Object - map of options, keyed by option.value

Underscore methods

pluck(property, default) returns property value of the currently selected option, or default. Useful in conjunction with custom properties for options.

  MyList.add({ state: { type: Types.Select, options: 'draft, published, archived', default: 'draft' });

  MyList.fields.state.values == 'draft,published,archived';
  MyList.fields.state.labels == { draft: 'Draft', published: 'Published', archived: 'Archived' };
  MyList.fields.state.ops == [
    { value: 'draft', label: 'Draft' },
    { value: 'published', label: 'Published' },
    { value: 'archived', label: 'Archived' }
  MyList.fields.state.map == {
    draft: { value: 'draft', label: 'Draft' },
    published: { value: 'published', label: 'Published' },
    archived: { value: 'archived', label: 'Archived' }

  var item = new MyList.model();
  item.state == 'draft';
  item.stateLabel == 'Draft';
  item.stateData == { value: 'draft', label: 'Draft' };
  item.stateOptions == MyList.fields.state.ops;
  item.stateOptionsMap == MyList.fields.state.map;