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Date Field

Stores a Date in the model. Input is stripped to only store the Date part (no time). Displayed as a date picker in the Admin UI

Internally uses moment.js to manage date parsing, formatting and comparison.

If the utc option is set, moment(value).utc() is called in all methods to enable moment’s utc mode.

String parsing with moment will be done using the inputFormat option, which defaults to "'YYYY-MM-DD'".


{ type: Types.Date }


  • inputFormat String

How the field interpret string input. See moment documentation for more information on available options.

Defaults to ‘YYYY-MM-DD’

  • format String

The default format pattern data will be returned in from the database.

Defaults to ‘Do MMM YYYY’

See the momentjs format docs for information on the supported formats and options.



Formats the stored value using momentjs, with the provided format string.

formatString defaults to the format option, which defaults to "Do MMM YYYY".

If no formatString is provided and the format option is false, the stored value will be returned.

When the stored value is undefined, an empty string is returned.


Returns a momentjs instance initialised with the value stored in the item.

parse(value, formatString)

Parses input using momentjs. Returns a moment instance initialised with the provided value. formatString defaults to the inputFormat option.

See the momentjs parse docs for information on the supported formats and options for the parse method.


item.createdDate = Date.now();
item._.createdDate.format(); // returns today's date using the default format string
item._.createdDate.parse('2013-12-04'); // returns a moment object with the parsed date
item._.createdDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // returns '2013-12-04'


Updates with the provided value if it is different from the stored value.

Uses this.parse() to interpret the input as a date.

null and "" can be used to clear the stored value.


Ensures the value, if provided, is either a Date object, a number that can be interpreted as epoch time, or a string that can be parsed into a valid date by moment.

Allows null and "" to clear the field value.

Inherits from Text

  • validateRequiredInput


Accepts either value or before +/ after depending on the mode. Can be inverted.

    after: Date,
    before: Date,
    inverted: Boolean,
    mode: String enum ['on', after', 'before', 'between'],
    value: Date,

Inverting the filter finds all items not matching the value.

Default filter arguments are:

    after: '',
    before: '',
    inverted: false,
    mode: 'on',
    value: '',


  • on

    Items with the day of the value in the field’s path will be found. An empty value will match items containing null or "" stored in the field path.

  • after

    Items after the end of the day of after in the field’s path will be found. after must be a valid date.

  • before

    Items before the start of the day of after in the field’s path will be found. before must be a valid date.

  • between

    Items after the start of the day of after AND before the end of the day of before in the field’s path will be found. Both after and before must be a valid date.


  • Input should either be a valid Date, or a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD (can be blank unless field is required).
  • To default Date fields to the current time, set the default option to Date.now.